
smap - Simple Measurement and Actuation Profile

This project is maintained by SoftwareDefinedBuildings



There are currently two major branches of sMAP:

The sMAP project is moving in the direction of the unitoftime branch, but development continues on both. If you are unsure of which one to use, use master.

The following instructions cover how to install the sMAP library. If you are interested in installing the full sMAP stack (ReadingDB, Archiver, sMAP, etc), then look at the more detailed installation page on the wiki (link forthcoming).

Installing Master

If you have pip installed, you can just run

$ pip install smap
from the terminal.

Or you can install from the github source:

$ git clone
$ cd smap/python
$ sudo pip install -e .

You're done!

Installing UnitofTime

If you are running Ubuntu 14.04 or 14.04.1, you can install sMAP from an apt package. Add the cal-sdb/smap PPA and then install the python-smap package:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cal-sdb/smap
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-smap
Or you can install from the github source:
$ git clone
$ cd smap/python
$ git checkout unitoftime
$ sudo pip install -e .

Installing the sMAP Archiver

There are two different sMAP archivers -- one for the unitoftime branch and one for master. We have optimized the installation process for the unitoftime archiver, assuming you are running Ubuntu 14.04 or 14.04.1

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cal-sdb/smap
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-smap readingdb powerdb2
The powerdb2 installation will ask you to create a superuser near the end of the installation process; remember the username and password you input here! After the packages are installed, the plotting interface will be available at http://localhost. To publish to the archiver, navigate to http://localhost/admin, login with the superuser you configured, and create a Subscription Key. You can now report to this archiver by including the following in your .ini files:
[report 0]
ReportDeliveryLocation = http://localhost:8079/add/<subscription key here>

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